Teleporting player between scenes

how do I make a teleporter that will warp the player to a different scene

As previously indicated by Lockstep, please read the documentation on Application.LoadLevel and Object.DontDestroyOnLoad.

Ok, so, firstly, you need to create the two scenes, and create a Collider that IS a Trigger.

When the character / player / avatar collides with this “warp point” object, use the Application.LoadLevel (or Application.LoadLevelAsync) with the applicable level name.

Next step, call a function on the new loaded level to Transform.Position move the player to the applicable position you want them. This will instantly move the player ignoring all colliders and physics (Basically teleporting them to a set of XYZ Coords)

And now you’re done.

The act of creating a warp point, depends on the configuration of your game, and how you created it. So sometimes this approach will not work, if it generates errors, simply debug and fix them.