Teleporting player to touch position and ray problem

I have a huge problem which I couldn’t resolve for days. When player is tapping the screen 2 times, I want to check if touch hit one of two buttons (left/right arrow), and if not, teleport the player to Input.GetTouch(0).position x and y. I’m a beginner and I also need someone to explain rays and raycasting to me.

I hope for fast response so I can get back to work fast too :frowning:

To teleport the player you just need to do:
transform.position = Input.GetTouch(0).position

For Raycasting:

But if you are asking these questions I believe you should go through some of Unity’s tutorials first.

So, I’ve found the solution on my own.

First, I’ve created a function that handles the teleportation.

void Teleport ()
		Vector3 teleTouch = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3 ( Input.GetTouch (0).position.x , Input.GetTouch(0).position.y, 10) );
		transform.position = teleTouch;

then, in FixedUpdate I’ve added

if(myBody.velocity.x == 0 && Input.GetTouch (0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)

So function is called only if the player isn’t moving (normally he moves by using left/right button)

Works perfectly and I’ve learned something.

And what if i need to control player without teleporting on touch ?? @Wested_Crean