Unity 3D and Cinema 4D - it’s hard work!
Think about you have to create an aarchitectural visualization.
You do all 3D construction an mapping works within Cinema 4D.
To transfere your work with the most best possible quality you have to do this steps:
First create with Unity3D a new project on your hard drive. Create with Finder within that new asset folder a folder named “Tex”. Quit Unity3D.
Cinema 4D:
Render every Object with the Option “Bake Object”
1.2 choose here “Ambient Occlusion”, “Illuminate” and “Single Texture” and “replace the object”. (You must have the GI and Occl. option activate in the rendering settings)
1.3 Choose the path for saving the texture files of the folder “Tex” within the Untiy3D Asset folder.
C4D generates two Textures: One for the surface color (linked in the Luminance channel), one for the Occlusion (linked in the Diffusion channel). -
Go to the material of the new baked object and change within the inspector: The object color surface texture must be linket to the “Color” channel (not to “Luminance” channel!)
Delete now in your C4D project all not needed for Unity3D (even lights and cameras, Unity3D can’t import those correctly) and save your Cinema 4D project as a new file in the Asset folder of your Unit3D Project.
Open your Unity3D project.
4.1 Drag your C4D 3D work into the project window of Unity3D. And you will see that unfortunately the complete scene, all objects are to dark. It’s because of an incompatibility between Untiy3D and Cinema 4D. Unity3D has set for all objects there materials to only “Diffuse”. (Equivalent to the color channel of Cinema 4D) -
Now you must select every object which has an own texture maped on in the Unity3D hierarchy window. You must seperatly change by each the shader type in the material setting within the inspector window from “Diffuse” to “Self-Illumin/Diffuse”. It applies an new texture field below the “Base” texture field, where you must click “select”. Search in the popup menu your occlusion texture to map it for that material (object).
All these steps needs only because the Unity Guys are not coding a better “FBX interchange module” for Cinema 4D and Unity3D!
My suggsetion: The Unity3D/Cinema4D FBX PlugIn should opens a dialoge while converting a Cinema4D project the first time. Where users can choose what must happen with the several material channels.