Template project 0.4.1 fails building

I’m not able to build the 0.4.1 template project (unmodified). I can build a different project with PolySpatial/VisionOS version 0.4.1. I’m getting the following errors:

Building Build/Libraries/baselib.a failed with output:
The source path /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.10f1/PlaybackEngines/VisionOSPlayer/Trampoline/Libraries/baselib-amd64.a does not exist.
Building Build/Libraries/libil2cpp.a failed with output:
The source path /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.10f1/PlaybackEngines/VisionOSPlayer/Trampoline/Libraries/libil2cpp-amd64-net40-wbarriers.a does not exist.
Building Build/Libraries/libiPhone-lib.dylib failed with output:
The source path /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.10f1/PlaybackEngines/VisionOSPlayer/Trampoline/Libraries/libiPhone-lib-amd64-il2cpp.dylib does not exist.

I have filed a bug report (IN-57646) in case it helps.

I think you have to use Unity 2022.3.11

Thanks, I’m downloading now to see if it works. The release notes say 2022.3.9+, and I’m able to build a different project.

Very strange, it does work in 2022.3.11.

2022.3.11 is preferred. We attempted to make the packages backwards-compatible with 2022.3.9/2022.3.10, but may have missed a spot or two.