Temporal AA in Unity 2019 HDRP


I have been searching for awhile for this and am sure I am missing something simple, but can anyone tell me how to turn on Temporal Anti Aliasing in Unity 2019 HDRP. I am using:

Unity 2019.1.18f1 and am using HDRP 5.16.1. Since it’s no longer done in the Post Processing I am very lost.

Thank you for any help!


Hi :slight_smile:
it is on Camera settings.
HDRP have an option for set AA in Scene view. Just go to Editor preferences, in “HD Render Pipeline” tab

Hello and thank you for responding,

If I go to my HD Render Pipeline Asset, under settings for camera, I have the option to change the rendering method to Forward and then to use MSAA but I am looking to use TAA specifically and there is no option for that here.
Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.


You’ll find it on the camera component itself


Thank You!