Hi everyone, for the past few months we have been working on an Temporal Anti Aliasing solution for Unity. Temporal anti aliasing is a modern form of antialiasing that uses previous frames data to infer more about edge and highlight information. We first showed the TAA in the Adam demo and it made it look really great!
TAA required a few changes to the core of Unity for it to be supported in the engine (specifically motion vectors and some surrounding support), in 5.4 we have added this functionality and implemented a version TAA. This will also allow us to ship a really great motion blur quite soon also.
You will need Unity 5.4b22 for this to work properly. Here are some images showing how this looks for us. NOTE: You will need to enlarge the images too see the difference.
You should do a view to showcase the REAL benefits of temporal AA. also, some numbers to compare the performance of these to the FXAA and other solutions would be awesome.
Would TAA be useful for VR? In other words: Does it not impact performance too severely for typical VR games, and does it address the specific issues you’re facing with non-AA’ed scenes in VR?
As flickering is one of the issues that’s super-annoying in VR, it seems like TAA might be a perfect fit for VR. I’m just concerned about the performance hit.
Note: We just discovered a weird issue on OSX. We’ll have a fix as soon as we can, still feel free to try it there, it’s just a little more blurry than it should be.
FXAA and SMAA tend to work well on non-HDR scenes without too many specular highlights, but in this case TAA helps a lot. That said, TAA is still under heavy development so keep an eye on the repository for updates !
Also TAA advantages become really apparent when the scene is in motion and you have crawling edges and small speculars (normally caused by high frequency PBR materials).
Here is a video where I toggle the TAA on and off. Please turn to 1080p to see the difference.
At about 40 seconds in the video jitters a little bit, that just my terrible capture.