Hello, i am trying to build an android app in unity to detect waste type from picture taken by android camera. I have developed a model and trained it then converted that model into tflite format so that I can use it in my android app locally. I put the tflite model in streaming assets folder. now when i press camera button to take picture it throws an error. By debugging i understood the Interpreter is not initializing. I am using these tflite libraries: GitHub - asus4/tf-lite-unity-sample: TensorFlow Lite Samples on Unity. please anybody can help me? I am totally new in this field
private void Start()
// Load the TFLite model from StreamingAssets
string modelPath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "your_model.tflite");
// Create an Interpreter
interpreter = new Interpreter(modelPath);
// Allocate tensors