Hi, everyone!
In my custom terrain shader i use simple vertex displacement. “Height” is taken from _Specular value of each layer and i blend it with Control texture just as any other per layer property, everything works fine, but it doesnt work for basemap shader.
My understanding is i can’t access Metallic in BaseMap, but i can in BaseMapGen shader and it doesnt work there either.
I tried:
- calculating height in BaseMapGen shader
- calculating height in BaseMap shader
- calculating height in custom “Picking” and “Selection” shaders (not sure what they do)
- pass height as a red channel of _Color property (it passes correctly because the color changes appropriately)
- adding _Height property to main pass and using it in BaseGen shader so terrain would at least change height for all layers (no luck)
Maybe another important detail: I use emission property the same way (through _Color property) and in fragment function in BaseMap it gives correct result which leads me to believe there may be some limitations to what can be done in BaseMap/BaseGen vertex functions
Any suggestions are very much appreciated
Below is a BaseGen vertex function just in case
half CalculateHeightInternal(half4 alpha, half h0, half h1, half h2, half h3)
half height = h0 * alpha.x;
height += h1 * alpha.y;
height += h2 * alpha.z;
height += h3 * alpha.w;
return height;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
v = ApplyMeshModification(v);
half2 controlUV = (v.vertex * (_Control_TexelSize.zw - 1.0f) + 0.5f) * _Control_TexelSize.xy;
o.uv_Control = controlUV;
o.uv_Splat_0_1.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.vertex, _Splat0);
o.uv_Splat_0_1.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.vertex, _Splat1);
o.uv_Splat_2_3.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.vertex, _Splat2);
o.uv_Splat_2_3.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.vertex, _Splat3);
o.alpha = tex2Dlod(_Control, half4(v.uv, 0, 0));
half height = CalculateHeightInternal(o.alpha, _Metallic0, _Metallic1, _Metallic2, _Metallic3);
o.normal = (UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal));
v.vertex.xyz += v.normal.xyz * height;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
return o;