Terrain Brush Problem

Im using Unity Version 3.1.0f4 And i was running through some tutorials and everything works great, except when it comes to the terrain, im able to generate a new terrain, move it and put a texture on it, but when i go into the editor and add a texture to paint, the brush doesnt fully follow my mouse, it starts at 0,0,0 of the terrain but is at like 1/3 or 1/2 the speed of the mouse, so i can only paint in a small section of the terrain before my mouse goes off screen, its the same for the Place plants and stones painter, and the Place trees brush follows my mouse, but when i paint with it, it only paints in the area the other brushes are painting.

Im not sure if this is a bug, an error with my installation, or what, i would really appreciate some help with this if possible, thanks.

well, it sounds like its rather consistent so it’s probably not this but.
if your zoomed out so see the entire terrain and try to paint it system lag will build up fast and the brush will “skip” around, the fix is to zoom in and paint smaller areas, i know its a rather poor fix but it works.

PS: and yes i know this is a really old post, and yes i know the OP has probably figured it out by now, but no question should go unanswered, and also if anyone finds this with Google it should have an answer on it for them.