hi guys i have a normal rocket that explodes when it hits a collider but if i shoot it at the terrain i falls trough it
i also mad another terrain under the first one but it does not work
need yur help:face_with_spiral_eyes:
hi guys i have a normal rocket that explodes when it hits a collider but if i shoot it at the terrain i falls trough it
i also mad another terrain under the first one but it does not work
need yur help:face_with_spiral_eyes:
Is the rocket a rigidbody object? If so, it may be hitting the ground too fast for the physics engine to register the collision. In this case, try changing the rigidbody’s collision detection setting to Continuous Dynamic. This has higher processor overhead but is much better at handling fast collisions with thin colliders.
thx for your answer i changed it to Continuous Dynamic but it still does not work
does your rocket have a collider? if so does it say that it is a trigger? because i has to have a collider and is trigger needs to be off.
yeah a collier is attached and the trigger is of
Is the rocket controlled by a script or does it just get fired in the right direction and then continue under physics? If it is scripted then can you post the code?
i use the scripts from the fps toutorial the rocket launcher and player weapon script