Terrain Custom UV Unwrapping?

I have noticed throughout my time with Unity (4 years) that the terrain system hasn’t changed much, and usually I don’t have a huge problem with this, but it could be better.

With my latest project, I required harsh mountains and areas where the UV’s, as they are projected top-down, stretch quite a lot, so much so that I try to avoid using it at all.

Is there any way to apply a custom UV unwrap (via scripting for example), that allows me to dynamically prevent UV stretching in the Unity terrain but allowing me to create these harsh mountains and high incline areas without the stretching?

try 3D unwrap

I have noticed this as well Labyrinth. My only conclusion to this is because there are ample quality assets on the store that address the short falls of the terrain system.
But it sure would be nice to have incremental improvements. :slight_smile:
Sorry I don’t have any good advice. Hope you find a workable solution.
Maybe one of the assets on the store.