In 2022.3.55f1, Using URP and default Unity terrain system.
When using the terrain system and adding detail objects, detail meshes are not affected by the terrain setting “Detail Distance”. Details that are grass textures are affected by this, but not detail meshes. LOD’s or nested objects are also not supported for detail meshes. Is this intended behavior for detail meshes? I’m not sure if there’s a more intended solution for placing details like this that can be affected by distance or have LOD’s. I know using Trees could work but assumed that there was some performance gain by using detail meshes.
Thank you 
Example showing the white tree textures being altered by Detail Distance but the grass meshes are only on or off:

If possible please report this issue via the Bug Reporter tool, you can do so by doing the following:
- Open the project where the issue is seen
- In the Toolbar go into Help → Report a Bug…
Then fill out the information regarding the steps that are needed to be taken when the project is opened to visually see the issue, also please link this Discussions thread URL in the Description too.
Thank you in advance!
In case anyone is finding the same issue…
I could not find the root cause, and the bug team could not recreate the issue nor could I. I rebuilt the terrain by copying over the texture splatmap and height data and then the detail distance worked as expected (had to place again the detail meshes/trees). The bug doesn’t seem easily re-creatable…