I didn’t have the luck to have a very close look at the terrain engine yet. Only played around with it a little bit… so I have some very technical questions…
Can the trees have colliders ? Also very far away ?
If I fire a rocket which hits a hill far away covered with trees… will the trees disappear when I “delete” them ?
Can I have different/more than one “main” cameras/objects which are far away from eachother and both show the terrain very detailed (at least for the physics) ?
Can I edit the terrain mesh and texture at runtime ? With an easy script ?
Does the LOD also work fine from a very high position (looking down) ?
I’m afraid I don’t have answers to your questions, DynamicHead, but I would like to tag onto your first one.
There is what appears to be a Terrain Collider component attached to terrain objects. This component has a “Create Tree Colliders” checkbox in it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to do anything (that I can tell), and I can’t find any documentation for it.
So it looks like it is possible to create colliders for trees, but I can’t figure out how to do it.
Can anyone help (and answer DynamicHead’s other questions)? Thanks!
hmmmm I must’ve misunderstood the original question. I guess you are referring to tree LOD… anyway, terrain texture LOD (mipmapping) works as expected…
I’m quite sure you’ll find it so. And while we’re not promising any individual feature additions to the terrain system right now, it’s clear that we’ll do with the terrain system as we do with all of Unity: we keep adding features that are needed by our users.
Just look at our track record (click the bottom links to review changes in previous versions of Unity):