Terrain Generator

Does anyone know how this kind of effect could be done in Unity: Here is the sample

Is there a way to do this with the current Unity Terrain?

Any help in the right direction would be great, thanks!

I’m don’t think you can use this with he standard unity terrains (they aren’t really comparable I think), but there certainly is a way to do it.

Good luck!

Yes it can be done in Unity and yes you could achieve it with Unity’s built in terrain but it would be complete over kill.

To do it with Unity’s Terrain you would build your terrain to have the silhouette you desired and then use an orthographic camera to display it edge on. You would also need to replace the terrain shader with one that does not calculate lighting so that it would appear to be 2D. Again this would be very inefficient and not the way you would want to do it.

If you want to generate a procedural 2d mountainous landscape I would recommend using noise to build a 2d spline that you could then use to generate a custom mesh by sampling the spline at regular intervals and extruding downwards. The fidelity of the terrain will depend on the density of the mesh you build. It works well and requires less memory than using repeating textures.