Terrain issues 4.3.4f1

I’ve recently run into some problems with terrain. It started when I created a new terrain and went to sculpt. I can raise and lower terrain but I can’t smooth. When I try to use the flatten brush the values don’t change the height. It flattens at the same height no matter what value I put in. I also can’t paint textures.

I don’t get any script errors either.

This happened very recently and the only thing that had changed on my computer since the last time I ran Unity was that I installed the java sdk.

Any help would be appreciated.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling unity. That didn’t work. I tried uninstalling the java dk and reinstalling unity. That didn’t work either. I installed a previous version of unity. Still not working. After all of that I reinstalled everything, unity 4.3.4, java and jdk then it worked. Now this morning it’s not working again! What the hell.

I’ve tried Unity terrain sculpting and it’s not good at all for using those brushes to sculpt anything to say it politely. That’s why you invariably see rocky mountains and cliffs in all these Unity amateur examples and hardly any other terrain type. Google Terrain Toolkit 1.0.2 and use it instead although it creates a bit of a rough surface too on the default settings.

Installing the google terrain kit worked for a bit. I was able to switch brushes and paint multiple layers. Until I closed the editor. Now the unity terrain is back to being broken. I never had an issue with unity until recently and I’ve been using it for over 2 years. Does anyone have any insight at all on this problem?

After some testing it seems that when the terrain is broken in the project then any other terrain created in that project will be broken as well. I can create a new project and create terrain until I close the editor. Closing the editor and reopening the project will cause the terrain to break and leaves that entire project unusable. I can even copy over all of my assets into a new empty project and have the terrain work until, again, I close the project. Sure I can keep creating new projects every time I need to work on terrain but it doesn’t work so well when you’re using subversion.

make sure your not copying terrain, but always creating new ones. also make sure you arent over riding some type of other terrain youve already set up somehow. make a new project. new terrain. new everything. test it. if it works it must be something in your project good luck :slight_smile:

I’m getting closer to figuring this out. I’ve found that in a new project I can create a terrain, exit the project, reopen the project and the terrain will be broken. This happens in any and all projects I make on my computer. I discovered that deleting the library folder before opening the project will not break the terrain. Now I just need to figure out why and what in the library folder is causing an issue.