Terrain makes build crash (works fine in editor)

I am using unity 5.4.20
The following occurs:
When i build my game with a terrain in it, the game always crashes.
Disabling the terrain fixes the crash.
It happens to most of my levels where i have (different) terrains.

I upgraded from Unity 5.4.18 to the 5.4.20
I am building for Windows, 64 Bit
I have an AMD GPU
My project is too big to submit it
Here is part of my crash report

in module d3d11.dll at 0033:e63e7ed8.d3d11.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
0x00007FFAEBF18102 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk0x00007FF6B1EFF9F8 (Disoriented) Thread::RunThreadWrapper0x00007FF6B237D88A (Disoriented) RectT::GetBottom0x00007FF6B2384AEF (Disoriented) RectT::GetBottom0x00007FF6B2383771 (Disoriented) RectT::GetBottom0x00007FF6B2358750 (Disoriented) RectT::GetBottom0x00007FFAE63E7ED8 (d3d11) CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

Hey AUnityFanlam,

Your stacktrace doesn’t provide much information and terrain code doesn’t call any CreateSurface APIs, so I don’t have any idea yet. Would you try reduce the your project’s size but still with the crash reproducible, and submit that to us? Otherwise it’s really hard for us to track the crash cause.