Terrain Management

After using the terrain for building couple of games, I’ve noticed that so many important things missing, mainly for organizing stuffs such as:

  1. Tree tool category
    Imagine if you have a couple of Bush prefabs, such as; Flower bush, wild shrub, clover grass. Having a category as part of the workflow will provide us with a cleaner way of organizing these bushes into just one category and not having them all showed in the preview tab (only when the root is selected then the rest of the child will be shown).

e.g: Category : Bush (will consist of bush variants and we can pick which one we would like to scatter)

  1. Custom brush category
    Same as above use case but solely for custom brushes, having tons of custom brushes cause so much pain to look for a specific brush during development. The tooltip is useless and further down reducing our productivity time bcos we have to peek the tooltip first.

  2. Tree instances handling/management
    We can’t change the property of the already laid down tree instances (e.g: heights, widths, density, colors, rotation etc…), this is an important basic feature and sorta forgotten.

Those what really bother me, share your thoughts if you have some

  1. Terrain Detail Marking
    A marker feature that we can paint on the terrain, so we can spawn our vegetations on to it based on the color of the marker that was drawn on the terrain.

This is crucial, for a fact that all the trees/terrain details can be spawned on runtime or before the game starts while keeping the terrain clean and performant during editing in the editor (Edit mode).