Terrain Optimization


I am currently working on a tropical terrain for my game. I painted all the trees with the terrain’s “place trees” mod. When I test my game the Draw calls are between 3000 and 4000 which slow my game down a lot (10 FPS). I don’t know how to optimizate it, I already searched but without success…

I tried the static batching but it didn’t work the way I did it… Can someone help me please ?

I’m sorry if my english is not so good ; I’m french.

Thank’s in advance !

  • trees: lower the billboard distance as each mesh tree produces 2 draw calls (6 if real time shadows are enabled).
    as built in billboards ar e not camera aligned you may think about buying the advanced foliage shader package from the asset store. next to other features it will make the transition between mesh trees and billboards much smoother.
  • grass: lower the detail resolution in the terrain settings (please note: you will have to repaint all details as they get cleared). low detail resolutions will reduce the number of draw calls but won’t let you position grass exactly.
  • lower the resolution of your height map.

Increase the detail resolution per patch. The higher you set this, the more trees and grass it will batch into each draw call.


Thanks a lot ! My game’s back to 60 FPS thanks to you two ! :smile: