Terrain rendering artefacts in Windows

What this mean? In MacOS X I have all right, but in Windows I see this illuminating edges around all objects, pleased on terrain. This is not Detailed Mesh. This is a simple mesh objects with standart Diffuse and Bumped Diffuse materials.

that looks like the standard behavior you see with the bloom post render effect.

stuff that glows more “glows through” stuff in front of them (especially heavy and ugly with 3rd person cam and lerpz behind grass / foliage for example)

I don’t use any posteffect shaders. No Bloom, Glow or other PRO features. And this artefact present in Indie and in Pro versions too.

Check this thread:


I think it`s the same “bug” :slight_smile:

do you by error apply two different materials that use distinct light calculation methods? (ie a VertexLit and a non-vertexlit shader)
If so you need to fix that.

No. Just one material per object. Diffuse or Bumped Diffuse.

Increase your camera’s near plane value. If the screenshot comes from scene view, just ignore the artifacts (scene view camera uses very small near plane).

No, this atrtefact appear in compilled browser version. I’ll try to Increase my camera’s near plane value.
Thank you.

Nothing change. :cry:

I noticed this bug also on the windows demo. It happens when you have a model with intersecting polygons. Where ever this occurs you will see “ghosting”. This IMO is a game engine rendering bug that has to do with some kind of sort issue. Btw, when I load up a model that has all of the verts welded and no intersecting geometry, this bug does not appear…

What video card do you use?

(vendor SVGA) GF 9800 GTX+

yes , I have the same bug here.
on many pcs, not one.

It’s a bug indeed.

This issue is going to be fixed in the 2.6 update. For details, check the Unity 2.6 roadmap at: Unity Blog.