Terrain.SetNeighbors confusion

ok, i’ve been having a hard time understanding what terrain.setneighbors is supposed to do exactly. the scripting reference on it was rather short, and i saw in another forum post saying something about it matching up the heights between the edges of two terrains. is this what its supposed to do?

if it is, then there’s an issue with my script, but if its not then what does it do and how could one achieve the desired result i mentioned via a javascript?

Nope, it will not set the height; you’ll need to do that yourself. I believe this function only sets the LOD settings.

thank you, this clears that up for me.

I’d like to learn how to script that up if anyone either has a script that can do that or could teach me how to do something like that. That would be great but if not, thanks you for at least clearing that up. :slight_smile:

To set the heights?

Look here and here