Terrain Tools weird shortcuts conflicts

This is what I have when using default shortcuts

By default it conflicts with itself, why? Literally none of these are usable
There’s also terrain shortcut that doesn’t seem to care about context. Here i made my custom shortcut but it has collision when used even though I did not even select terrain


Package version 4.0.3. Is it still a thing in newer versions? This is really annoying, since every member of the team has to go and delete these useless shortcuts and I do not see a way to save shortcuts to file and just share them

Edit: Turns out you can find shortcuts in ‘AppData\Roaming\Unity\Editor-5.x\Preferences\shortcuts\default’. Conflicts that exist by default are still annoying tho

@Saniell Hello! Interesting find. Could you file this as a bug and post the link here? Also, let our QA know that this case should go to TomasK once processed (in the description field).

I suspect these problems will be package related and we’ll notify their developers if we cannot fix them ourselves.

Also, we’ve already introduced a shortcut profile import/export feature in new Unity versions(For example 2023.1.0a14) but I see you’re using an older Unity Editor so it makes sense you don’t see import and export buttons in the Shortcut Manager window.