I’ve had my custom tree collisions working fine for a while using the capsule collider and tips from this forum.
I tried to add some rotation variation to one of my trees (this would be really useful in the terrain editor btw) by duplicating my tree prefab and adding some rotation to that, however this did not work as I found out the terrain tree painter ignores any transform made in a prefab.
Since doing this I have lost ALL my previously placed trees collisions (this prefab was never edited only duplicated), even deleting the tree from the terrain editor and adding back in the original unedited prefab makes no difference to it including the collision (if this did work it would mean , the tree prefab is set up exactly the same as in an earlier version of the project that works fine.
Can anyone add some advice so I dont have to start from scratch with my trees?
EDIT: After a reboot my current project still has the same problems, adding or deleting new colliders does not work, however my older project I can happily delete and re-apply collisions to the trees on my terrain, It would be good to know what I did to make my project break like this?