Terrain tutorial [new update] – testing real time lighting!!

:!: [look at the bottom of this thread for updates]

After quite I while, I finally have found some time to start the work on a terrain tutorial:


Please don’t hesitate to write comments or correct any statements.

[Update:] The demo package V 1.0 is ready to download now.
Go to the wiki.


  • Optimized setup [started]
  • Texture works [started]
  • Setting up trees [started]
  • Adding details [started]
  • Lighting [started]


Very nice landscapes, congratulations. And also a nice tuto, I´ll keep waitting for next part. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Hello Lars,

It’s great to see more people creating tutorials based on their area of expertise. I’ve read through the tutorial - the organization is good, and I like how specific you are on details of resolution and associated drawcall cost.

One area you could go a bit more into is fog, perhaps with some visual examples for those of us who aren’t graphically inclined and might not get it.

And lastly, the final landscape images on this thread look great. Excellent samples, can’t wait to see how you work your way to those.


Your images look fantastic! I can’t wait to read through the whole thing.

[Edit: nevermind, I just realized you covered what I was looking for in great detail further down! I got ahead of myself!]

Anyway, overall great work! I can’t wait to read more.


Very nice tutorial! Good work. I like the trees from the last screenshot and the landscapes look fantastic.

Beautiful , good atmosphere.


Hi Arges,

in painting fog is called: Aerial perspective

Wikipedia says about it:
“Aerial perspective refers to the effect on the appearance of an ordinary object (i.e., other than a self-luminous object) of being viewed through the atmosphere. In daylight, as an ordinary object gets further from the eye, its contrast with the background is reduced, its colour saturation is reduced, and its colour becomes more blue.”

More information and images can be found here:

I hope this helps a bit.

All the best,

Hi Lars,

Thanks for the context, got a pretty clear image now.


Really pretty and thanks for putting a tutorial on the wiki! You’re a great example of a wonderful community member! :smile:

I think there should be a better solution to your tree floating problem but props on thinking of a solution.


Good tutroial, nice work mate!

Wicked visuals! Definitely stuff for the unity gallery! Thanks for sharing your tutorial - bookmarked for reading later :slight_smile:


first of all: Thanks for the positive responses. It means a lot.

Second: I have made some updates to the existing tutorial and some more topics have been added like comparison of “Trees” and “Detail meshes” and a first look on “final lighting”.


[Update] Final lighting started!

I have just finished version 0.9 of the terrain tutorial which now includes almost all topics – at least I drop some words on most of them.
So work will have to go on, but that is something for the new year I guess.

I also published a first preview on the demo terrain that includes all techniques described in the tutorial so far. But it is just a rough sketch I did while writing the tutorial:

Please give me your feedback: What is missing, what would you like to have more information about, what is wrong…

Merry X-Mas, Lars

You did a wonderful job on the tutorial, lars

I am coming closer and closer to release the first demo package.

Meanwhile there is a new webplayer:

  • some more details
  • improved lightmap and texturing
  • some “in game comments”
  • character shadow script included


Enjoy, Lars

Thank you Lars. Looks good. I cant wait to have Unity2.5 to try out your tutorial.

very very nice tutorial :wink:
Ill have a deeper look at it later. Need to learn some about the Terrain, cheers!

Just some minor changes and the demo package v 1.0 released:

