Hi there,
we’re currently working on the terrain for our game’s first map (targeting a modern-age environment, so including streets, cities, parking lots etc.). As a starting point, we have the level designer’s basic layout for how the map should look like - big geometric features like mountains or lakes, rough shorelines, major points of interest (villages etc.) and connections between them.
Starting from this baseline, we would now like to generate a detailed terrain, obviously with as little manual effort as possible. Still, we want to be able to manually tweak certain things like flatten an area, or apply a specific texture to it. We also need precise control over street layout inside cities.
We are currently experimenting with various assets (MapMagic, GAIA, EasyRoads, …) looking for a workflow to use our rough guideline to get a generated terrain that still allows us adjust it manually where required. We often run into hard cuts here, e.g. “You need to make sure that the terrain generation is done and you’re happy with it before baking in any roads, because they will be gone if you regenerate”. This obviously makes iterative work on the map very hard. What is your workflow to combine automatic and manual work on terrains? Bonus points for an integrated solution for roads / streets in- and outside of cities.