@John-G Thanks for the upgrade.
Yes, this feature is handled by a script called “FloatingOriginAdvanced” on the main camera as in static scenes like before. This becomes vital in Streaming environments when the player is constantly drifting form the origin and the world size may be endless/huge.
TerraLand 3 comes with 3 demo scenes to showcase Streaming features. There is a ReadMe file next to each scene file to give more information regarding the behavior.
In the World Machine demo, you will notice that the 2 parameters (“Area Size” & “Size Exaggeration”) which define the total world size end up being 480,000 units in Unity which is beyond practical in engine.
“Area Size” is the heightmap size in kilometers and the “Size Exaggeration” multiplies with Area Size to rescale the world in Width (X) & Length (Z). As each 1 unit is considered to be 1 meter so we will have 480,000 units.
The following lines are from the ReadMe file in project:
As any distances above 100,000 from origin is considered huge for 3D engines with single-precision floating-point
calculations instead of double-precision, there is a script named “FloatingOriginAdvanced” on the main camera to handle this limitation. The distance from origin which will offset scene elements is defined by the “Distance” parameter. To get more info on this behavior refer to the following links:
- TerraLand 2 – High Quality Photo-Realistic Terrains from Real-World GIS Data page-8#post-3391209*
- TerraLand 2 – High Quality Photo-Realistic Terrains from Real-World GIS Data page-7#post-3253566*
- TerraLand 2 – High Quality Photo-Realistic Terrains from Real-World GIS Data page-6#post-3081781*
So no worries for the floating point errors in streaming scenes.