Terrible problem with scripts to create character for RPG

It either has 22 errors or 108, once it was down to about 3 then back to 108.
It all started after I had made my BaseCharacter class yesterday, I’m beggin for help, it’s flustering the hell out of me.

public class BaseStat {
    private int _baseValue;
	private int _buffValue;
	private int _expToLevel;
	private float _levelMod;

	public BaseStat(){
		_baseValue = 0;
		_buffValue = 0;
		_levelMod = 1.1f;
		_expToLevel = 100;
	#region Basic Setters and Getters
	public int BaseValue {
		get{ return _baseValue; }
		set{ _baseValue = value; }
	public int BuffValue {
		get{ return _buffValue; }
		set{ _buffValue = value; }
	public int ExpToLevel {
		get{ return _expToLevel; }
		set{ _expToLevel = value; }
	public float LevelMod {
		get{ return _levelMod; }
		set{ _levelMod = value; }
	private int CalculateExpToLevel(){
		return (int)(_expToLevel * _levelMod);
	public void LevelUp(){
		_expToLevel = CalculateExpToLevel();
	public int AdjustedBaseValue{
		get{ return _baseValue + _buffValue; }	

using System.Collections.Generic;

public class ModifiedStat : BaseStat {
	private List<ModifyingAttribute> _mods;			//List to hold modifiers
	private int _modValue;							//Value of modifier
	public ModifiedStat(){
		_mods = new List<ModifyingAttribute>();		//Initialize list of modifiers
		_modValue = 0;								//Set modifier value to 0
	//Function to add modifiers to the list
	public void AddModifier(ModifyingAttribute mod){
	private void CalculateModValue(){
		_modValue = 0;											
		//If there are any mods in the list, then 
		//for each mod it will add (adjusted value * set ratio of the attribute
		if(_mods.Count > 0)
			foreach(ModifyingAttribute att in _mods)
				_modValue += (int)(att.attribute.AdjustedBaseValue * att.ratio);
	//Adds the normal value of your attributes with the value of buffs and modifiers
	public new int AdjustedBaseValue {
		get{ return BaseValue + BuffValue + _modValue; }
	public void Update() {

public struct ModifyingAttribute{
	public Attribute attribute;
	public float ratio;
	public ModifyingAttribute(Attribute att, float rat){
		attribute = att;
		ratio = rat;

using System;

public class Attribute : BaseStat{
	public Attribute(){
		ExpToLevel = 50;
		LevelMod = 1.05f;
	public enum AttributeName {

public class Vital : ModifiedStat {
	private int _currValue;
	public Vital(){
		_currValue = 0;
		ExpToLevel = 50;
		LevelMod = 1.1f;
	public int CurrValue {
			if (_currValue > AdjustedBaseValue)
				_currValue = AdjustedBaseValue;
			return _currValue; 
		set{_currValue = value; }

public enum VitalName {

public class Skill : ModifiedStat {
	private bool _known;
	public Skill() {
		_known = false;
		ExpToLevel = 25;
		LevelMod = 1.1f;
	public bool Known {
		get{ return _known; }
		set{ _known = value; }

public enum SkillName {

using System.Collections;
using System;

public class BaseCharacter : MonoBehaviour {
	#region Private Variables
	private string _name;										//Holds name of character
	private int _level;											//Holds level
	private uint _freeExp;										//Holds extra exp (uint stores only positive numbers)

	private Attribute[] _primaryAttribute;						//Array of attributes for the character
	private Vital[] _vital;										//Array of vital assets to the character
	private Skill[] _skill;										//Array of skills for the character
	public void Awake () {
		_name = string.Empty;
		_level = 0;
		_freeExp = 0;
		_primaryAttribute = new Attribute[Enum.GetValues(typeof(AttributeName)).Length];
		_vital = new Vital[Enum.GetValues(typeof(VitalName)).Length];
		_skill = new Skill[Enum.GetValues(typeof(SkillName)).Length];
	#region Basic Setters and Getters
	public string Name {
		get{ return _name; }
		set{ _name = value; }
	public int Level {
		get{ return _level; }
		set{ _level = value; }
	public uint FreeExp {
		get{ return _freeExp; }
		set{ _freeExp = value; }
	public void AddExp (uint exp) {
		_freeExp += exp;
	public void CalculateLevel () {
	#region Average of Attributes, Vitals, and Skills
	private void SetupPrimaryAttributes () {
		for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _primaryAttribute.Length; cnt++) {
			_primaryAttribute[cnt] = new Attribute();
	private void SetupVitals () {
		for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _vital.Length; cnt++) {
			_vital[cnt] = new Vital();
	private void SetupSkills () {
		for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _skill.Length; cnt++) {
			_skill[cnt] = new Skill();
	#region Returns Attributes, Vitals, and Skills to int Index
	public Attribute GetPrimaryAttribute(int index) {
		return _primaryAttribute[index];
	public Vital GetVital(int index) {
		return _vital[index];
	public Skill GetSkill(int index) {
		return _skill[index];
	#region Vital Modifiers
	private void SetupVitalModifiers(){
		GetVital((int)VitalName.Health).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution), .5f));
		GetVital((int)VitalName.Energy).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity), 1));
		GetVital((int)VitalName.Mana).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Intellect), 1));
	/*private void SetupVitalModifiers(){
		ModifyingAttribute healthModifier = new ModifyingAttribute();
		healthModifier.attribute = GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution);
		healthMod.ratio = 1;
		ModifyingAttribute energyModifier = new ModifyingAttribute();
		energyModifier.attribute = GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity);
		energyMod.ratio = 1;
		ModifyingAttribute manaModifier = new ModifyingAttribute();
		manaModifier.attribute = GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Intellect);
		manaMod.ratio = 1;
	#region Skill Modifiers
	private void SetupSkillModifiers(){

		//Melee offense		
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Melee_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Might), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Melee_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity), .33f));
		//Melee defense		
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Melee_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Melee_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution), .33f));
		//Ranged offense	
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Ranged_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Ranged_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Haste), .33f));
		//Ranged defense
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Ranged_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Dexterity), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Ranged_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Constitution), .33f));
		//Caster offense	
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Caster_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Intellect), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Caster_Offense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Haste), .33f));
		//Caster defense	
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Caster_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Intellect), .33f));
		GetSkill((int)SkillName.Caster_Defense).AddModifier(new ModifyingAttribute(GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.Vitality), .33f));
	/*private void SetupSkillModifiers(){
		ModifyingAttribute MeleeOffenseModifier1 = new ModifyingAttribute();
		ModifyingAttribute MeleeOffenseModifier2 = new ModifyingAttribute();
		MeleeOffenseModifier1.attribute = GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.strength);
		MeleeOffenseModifier1.ratio = .33f;
		MeleeOffenseModifier2.attribute = GetPrimaryAttribute((int)AttributeName.strength);
		MeleeOffenseModifier2.ratio = .33f;

	public void StatUpdate(){
		for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _vital.Length; cnt++)
		for(int cnt = 0; cnt < _skill.Length; cnt++)

Goodness. One thing’s for sure, that’s too much code. Use JavaScript.