I am trying to move a linux build up to Multiplay but my test allocations keep failing due to this error : Test allocation failed.
Please ensure you have used a valid binary in your Build, and that your Build Configuration has the correct usage settings and launch parameters.
I have tried a bunch of different launch variables -nographics -batchmode -port $$port$$ -logFile $$log_dir$$/Engine.log, etc.
I am very confused what I am supposed to change, I cant test my local linux build cause I am using a windows machine otherwise I would try to run the commands from the terminal. Any help would be great.
I was able to find your project in the game server hosting backend. It looks like the files in your build are not in the correct structure. The log file for your server (see the logs tab on the server details page) has this error:
“There is no data folder”
This means that the Unity executable was not able to find the data/assets directory, which should exist next to the executable with a name like “[executable_name]_Data”. So if your executable is named “foobar” there should be a directory called “foobar_Data” next to the executable.
I can see from your build that you have the data directory inside another directory called “/linuxbuild”. Can you try uploading your build again but ensuring the directory structure is like this:
We hit this issue a few weeks ago (and filed a support ticket about it). When you’re uploading your game files make sure you drag and drop your files to the browser window to upload everything and preserve the folder structure. If you click to browse and then use the system folder dialog to choose a folder to upload then everything will be uploaded to a single folder, losing the entire folder structure.
this is so lame unity should fix this if we drag drop then the server allocation works and shows the log else it does not i installed ubuntu and check if the linux was running it was giving a error fixed it and den did nt drag droped the files so no logs sad unity needs to fix this