Test-framework: Experimental/unmoving since 2022?!

com.unity.test-framework has been stuck in 1.x since 2022 when 2.x has been “experimental” since… well, also 2022!

Was this package abandoned? Why is it still experimental? I want it for the async/await [Test] support.

2.0 was problematic, they’ve backported some features onto 1.x and not continued on 2.0 directly.

Async tests are available since 1.3.x, you don’t need 2.0 for this.

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Ah, I read lacking support - probably misread. Thanks! Will downgrade.

However, even then – how come no active development? It’s been years! It feels like it was an excuse for just halting development completely, portraying “Well, we’re out of budget; let’s just revert back to v1.x and not touch it for a few years+++; maybe no one will notice”.

It has a lingering feeling of deprecation in the back of my head similar to that of UNET or the old Text engine.