Test framework last updated... 2022?! 🤔 Deprecated?

Hey folks, what’s going on with the test framework? Is it deprecated or something? Why no updates since 2022? Or did they “pull a Unity” and rename+repackage it again under some other name?

Then to add to that, what’s up with the 2.x version being superior yet released earlier than the 1.x version in an incomplete pre-release? Lingering, incomplete packages with no explanations for an enterprise product such as Unity feels… concerning.

Seems to be updated in Unity 6. Maybe they stopped support on older versions of Unity.

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Can confirm I got the [much-needed] update in Unity 6. I thought the entire reason to use packages is to make it independent of the versions :thinking: strange there wasn’t even a note to hint that “it stops here, but picks up again in Unity 6”.

(By strange, I actually mean unprofessional)

No, its so you don’t have to install every feature of the editor all at once, and only need to install features that you need for a given project.

Packages get tested/verified against various Unity versions and those versions can install said package versions. At some point, a package version either doesn’t get tested against older versions of the editor, or can no longer support said older editor versions.

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They abandoned the 2.x version and stayed on the 1.x version. There’s a post here… somewhere. So the 2.0 is indeed not getting any updates in the foreseeable future.

@Baste You likely mean this one, right?

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