I’ve set up a CI system for my project with gitlab-ci, using this repository as a template. I run the following batch script for the tests:
"Unity.exe" ^
-projectPath "%cd%" ^
-batchmode ^
-runTests ^
-testPlatform editmode ^
-testResults "%cd%\editmode-results.xml" ^
-logfile testlog.log ^
|| goto :error
echo "Tests successful!""
exit /b 0
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
The CI runner is running on my own computer on the same user, and when I manually go to the runner directory and run the scripts they are successful. However, when gitlab-ci does it, it fails with error code 255. The terminal shows nothing except for the command and the “Failed with error #255” message, and the result xml shows all the tests passed both when running local and on gitlab-ci. The log files (testlog.log) are almost identical except for the gitlab-ci one having two lines like this:
Symbol file LoadedFromMemory doesn't match image D:\Gitlab-Runner\builds\e4Y8wNDA\1\algoryx\external\unity-project\AGMSim\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.ext.nunit@1.0.0\net35\unity-custom\nunit.framework.dll
and the local one having these lines at the end:
Checking for leaked weakptr:
Found no leaked weakptrs.
Anyone have any ideas what this could be about or how to investigate further? Another thing worth mentioning is that I have another job that builds the application in a similar way using the Unity CLI and it always works fine with no error messages.
I’m attaching the two log files (I had to change the file extensions to be able to upload them).
Thanks in advance,
5018540–491525–testlog_local.txt (234 KB)
5018540–491528–testlog_gitlab-ci.txt (234 KB)