Test runner not working properly in Unity 6

Unity version: 6000.0.15f1 and 6000.0.18f1
Unity Test-Framework: 1.4.5

I’m currently working on a project in Unity 6 Preview and the test runner doesn’t seem to work like in older versions.

I tested this on many empty projects both URP and Build-in under 6000.0.15f1 and 6000.0.18f1. The problem is that the button for creating a test script after creating the assembly folder will stay greyed out.

.asmdef File

    "name": "Tests",
    "rootNamespace": "",
    "references": [
    "includePlatforms": [
    "excludePlatforms": [],
    "allowUnsafeCode": false,
    "overrideReferences": true,
    "precompiledReferences": [
    "autoReferenced": false,
    "defineConstraints": [
    "versionDefines": [],
    "noEngineReferences": false
  • The second picture shows PlayMode while the asmdef file shows Editor mode. These are not from the same projects. But both versions don’t work.

Testing the same in older versions (22LTS and 21LTS) on the same device does work without problems.

Am I missing something new about the test runner in Unity 6 or is this a bug?