Hi guys, my team and I we are trying to make a release of our game. It is almost like a live service game. We want to test the limits of our implementation. How is the best practice to test the servers with this service?
It is just a doubt, hope find some ideas how to test the servers c:
The best and only practice is to connect as many players as you want to support.
These players needn’t be human players of course. You can hook up a script that simulates input or whatever you need, and may be able to run multiple processes on a local machine so that you needn’t have 50 machines for a 50-player match. But you need to make sure you are attributing any issues correctly, ie verify that it’s not the client machine that’s overly taxed with too many app instances. Also run in background needs to be ticked otherwise background instances will be slowed down.
Hello thanks for answer, I appreciate the time, also I read your blog of unity code and is very usefull.
I’m glad to answer, hope this will help someone, but it is possible to test multiple test allocations and machine initialization with Multiplay Server hosting, making API requests. Documentation API here
Because the way our project works, we use each server to allocated a game session. So when players leave the server goes to “Deallocated”. This follows the allocation flow unity specify.
Using the API we can have control of the count of the allocations created at the same time “emulating” players trying to find a match at the same time. And IT WORKS. We tested the time Unity trys to allocated a server request when you reach the machines servers available (around 5 min ONLY IF THE MACHINES GET THEIR LIMIT).
Tbh we weren´t sure if this was going to worked but we were surprised. If someone is really trying to test the server capacities I recommend read meticulously the documentation. c:
I would like to share the code of the test but I have a NDA on this project.
[Allocations](https://Allocations Documentation)