Apologies for maybe silly questions but I’m a hobbyist and have not much experience with unity + monetization. I’m on my third attempt to create something with Unity and so far I’m the furthest I’ve ever got to to reach the end of the project at some point in the future ;).
I have a project set up as designated for children (coppa). I have set everything up as testing. I configured a Waterfall for Unity Ads and AdMob. I get test ads in the Editor no problem. I get test ads on a device if my project is marked as ‘for children’ (coppa). If I however set the project in the Dashboard as ‘not targeting children’ I get no test ads on a device. In the console while running dev build on a device I get “Rewarded Ad failed to load” and the same for “Interstitial Ad”. Failed to load ad returns e.Message → “No line item filled!”.
I don’t know what it means. I do have all my lines in the Waterfall configured. Reverting back to “project for children” makes test ads on a device load ok again.
I’m also no sure about the potential revenue showing on my Dashboard. I thought if I have Testing options set-up and a testing device set-up, and AdMob test set-up + test device too. Should I see potential revenue on my Dashboard if I’m all set up as “Testing”? I don’t think so.
Please if you can comment on “No line item filled” console debug log and on showing potential revenue if that’s ok to show for testing? I don’t want to get banned neither by Unity nor by AdMob Google.
Thank you so much for your help.
Seems like you are asking about the testing page and how it works with games targeted towards children (COPPA).
The issue you are encountering is that games targeted towards children can’t pass device information. This prevents the testing tool from recognizing your device and selectively calling networks. This is the reason behind the warning message the testing_settings_coppa_designated_project screenshot you shared.
The testing feature is primarily used to validate integration and set up of ad networks. Unity Mediation can’t force test ads from non-Unity networks to appear so you would need to set this up for each network. The directions vary per network but you can find the Admob details here. If you don’t set these up you will be served normal ads. If you are able to get ads (testing or otherwise) from each network then it means you set it up correctly. *Please ensure that COPPA settings are enabled on all third party ad networks when you decide to publish your game if it is targeted towards children.
The ‘No line item filled’ message likely means mediation didn’t get a response from the networks to fill an ad. Feel free to review our best practices page to help kick-start your ads strategy and help with fill.
If you were interested in testing out different price points and understanding revenue impact I would recommend leveraging our A/B testing tool. This allows you to set up different price points and arrange the ads waterfall differently between cohorts to help with optimizations. The revenue that appears in your reports are from the normal ads served from each network.
I hope that clears things up a bit, please let me know if there is anything else I can elaborate on.
Hello Ortiz_Daniel
Thank you for taking the time to explain it in detail. It helps a lot to get better understanding of the flow. It is all very useful info, so thank you once again.
I’ll check out A/B testing tool and other links you provided. I’ve been reading docs a lot but some questions like mine arise when you’re actually doing it. Thanks again for your input on this subject.