Testing ML-Agents 0.6.0

I had been building a game using Unity ML-Agents 0.6.0 and successfully trained the game. Also, I had got a model generated after the training. When I use the .bytes file that is generated to test the game it throws TensorflowSharp warning. The TensorflowSharp plugin is also not available at the moment in ML-Agents page. It would be great if get this problem sorted out.

Can you please explain how to test my model in ML-Agents 0.6.0?

I can’t promise that we can support such an old version of ML-Agents. But can you post the full text of the TensorflowSharp message here?

We dropped support for TensorflowSharp a while ago, but you can get the source of ML-Agents at 0.6.0 here GitHub - Unity-Technologies/ml-agents at 0.6.0

For 0.6 the tensorflowsharp plugin is still downloadable here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/unity-ml-agents/0.5/TFSharpPlugin.unitypackage


Thanks for your reply. It solved the problem.

What Unity and tensorflow version are you using?