Testing the Facebook Unity SDK : User Access Token

Hello, I’m currently trying to integrate the Facebook Unity SDK into my game. I’ve downloaded the SDK from Facebook and trying to run it in Unity Editor. However when I tried running the Interactive Console and press the FB.Init() button, a pop-up then appear asking for the User Access Token instead of something like a login pop-up. Is this suppose to happen since I’m running it in the editor and not on the phone? Or am I still missing something here?

I am pretty new to network stuff and trying to figure out what’s what, so I do apologise if this is a silly question.

Thank you.

In a build it will pop up in the login screen. Tokens will be generated automatically

In the editor it requires a token to be manually entered. Just click get token and copy paste it into the script.

The token debugger and the open graph explorer are also useful places to take the same token.