Testing Unity Ads Mediation

I’m testing mediation in one of my games on android I had no problems, but for iOS it’s impossible to make it work

let rewardedAd = UMSRewardedAd(adUnitId: IUnity.MoneyID)
           rewardedAd.load(with: self)

does not throw the error event instead I just get this message:

Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service

what could solve this?

I only know that unity mediacion does not work on swift.
have any of you had success with other mediations like applovin’s Max?

I have solved my problem, it was an implementation mistake of mine, you have to declare a variable instead of assigning a value, example:

class IUnity:NSObject, UMSInitializationDelegate, UMSInterstitialAdLoadDelegate, UMSInterstitialAdShowDelegate, UMSRewardedAdLoadDelegate, UMSRewardedAdShowDelegate{
    static let AppID:String = "XXXX"
    static let FullID:String = "video"
    static let MoneyID:String = "iOS_Rewarded"

    var general:AdsGeneral?
    var isNew:Bool?
    var rewardedAd:UMSRewardedAd?
 [  var interstitialAd:UMSInterstitialAd?


        interstitialAd = UMSInterstitialAd(adUnitId: IUnity.FullID)
        interstitialAd!.load(with: self)
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