Hi, i’m trying to make full screen custom post effect. with script added to main cam, with one line: blit(src,dst,mat) in void OnRenderImage(src,dst). I wrote the shader with _MainTex so it’ll work in “Blit”.
I done it(many times) all correctlly like in tuts. if i assign this shader to any object (with texture) it works well, but the problem is when i assign that shader(in material) to script (blit(,mat)) it ignores the ddx,ddy part,it works like tex2D(tex,uv). WHY? how can I fix it?
here is the fragment code.
fixed3 frag(vout v):sv_target
fixed3 c;
float2 cddx=float2(
float2 cddy=float2(
return c*0.5;
Hi. I found an answer. tex2D(sampler2D,uv,ddx,ddy) and tex2Dgrad(…) methods use mipmaps. when i tried to pass “screen” texture to the shader in blit(src,dst,mat) I noticed that src has no mipmaps, only the original texture. so, I thought that I’ll simply add mipmaps with src.GenerateMips() and it’ll work. but there is a catch: if i try to do that the editor throws me exceptions that the rendertexture is created, that generating mips is unsuported in created rendertexture and other stuff… finally i found the recipy:
- create another temp renderTexture
- turn off auto generate mipmaps
- useMips=true
- every frame (OnRenderImage(…))
- blit src to temp
- generate mipmaps in temp
- blit(temp,dst,mat)
it generates mipmaps on new render texture and passes it to the shader without any errors.
one last thing, if someone knows how to specify mipmap count that i want to generate, tell me please.
I hope it’ll be helpful to newbies in shaders like me.