TEXDraw draws your ability to create any mathematical expressions. Using UI System (introduced in 4.6) and full customized text generators. it allows you to create matematical expressions with a lot of customization stuff featuring:
in this future update we will rewrite the whole system (still keeping to make it compatible), adding a custom editor for easy adjusment, more symbols, commands and fonts included, and more performance improvement. keep wait for the next update!
Version 2.0 has been submitted for review, there’s a lot of improvisation to this package, we already update the docs so you can see the docs now for anything about new feature and be prepared for a major upgrade…
Version 2.0 has been accepted and live on asset store! to upgrade an existing project, please backup your project and follow the guidelines mentioned in documentation…
Unfornatunely no, both is a distinct package, so far there’s no way to transfer between output result since both also has different features and purposes.
Yes, we support unicodes, including arabic fonts, etc. But perhaps, you already know that unity doesn’t support RTL language, so you need help from external asset. Luckily, there is one in asset store who do the RTL job, go take a look on this asset.
So far it’s not fully compatible within NGUI. however, we also implement a component which uses MeshFilter and MeshRenderer. so non-UI users can still use this package without need the UI depedency.
Absolutely, it works similarly with UI Text, which uses vertices and texture to display it on screen.
Yes, this package doesn’t do a constant update, and with the last performance upgrade, i’m sure there’s no performance problem in most mobile devices.
posted some screenshot, just to make sure what’s happening…
Thank you for answering. I went ahead and bought your asset yesterday. Since you include the source code, I think I can modify it to our specific needs. Maybe you can help me a little.
I want to be able to create one box collider for each number in a every expression. I need to find the place in your code where you create each character and access its position and bounds. Could you point me in the right direction?
Thanks for that, anyway it’s fairly easy (and hacky). to do that, i’ve tested and added a some to codes on TexDraw/Core/Box/Charbox.cs, so in that file, when it happen to redraw the vertices, it also creates a box collider. You may want to edit the stuff that includes in the box collider by editing that file. And for this file: TexDraw/Script/TexDraw.cs, place this to beginning of OnPopulateMesh():
EDIT: i’ve noticed that the box doesn’t longer be referenced at script reload, so we had to destroy it, but destroying object at onDisable/onEnable is not allowed… we’ll figure it out later, anyway.
Hmm…, look like this (and future) update is the most wanted feature that need to be realized as soon as possible,
anyway TEXDraw V2.4 is available on the store, here’s what changed:
2.4 – Jun 20, 2016: Sprite Import
• Now it’s possible to have a texture-based characters
• Increasing imported font limit from 15 up to 31 fonts.
• Polished TEXDraw preference
• Shader-Rewriting: (Shadow lit is now removed)
• \color now support html text
• Improved Performance, more less GC overhead at render.
• New scene example and improved stress test scene.
Good news for NGUI users: we have an extension support for NGUI, but not yet ready as there’s another features that needed to be fixed as the update goes on. If you interested to test/use them right now, drop us an email (with your Asset’s Invoice number, just in case) and we’ll send the link to the beta asset package.
Thank you, and recently, it has been fixed now. There also many ‘feature incomplete’ that just been fixed now (some also still WIP). if you have another thing that didn’t work for you, just ask
Hey guys
I’ve purchased your package recently and it works great!
Though i’ve encountered some strange issue
Well, i created some TeXDraw objects from the script aaand in editor everything worked as planned
But when i tried to make builds no TeX-text was on the screen
Only today (week after the problem appeared) i’ve accidentally put one additional in-editor-created TeXDraw object and it solved the problem
I suspect this in-GUI-created thing initialized somehow the whole package
Not a big bug but please try to fix it for the future