Hello again. We've been working with some prefabs for a while with the text for the instance name in the Hierarchy being blue. Recently we noticed that a lot of the instances for certain types of objects are now using pink text in the Hierarchy. We've also noticed that some of those instances are not functioning properly. I've looked through the documentation but can't find anything that explains why the text would be pink. Is it some kind of error? Thank you -Mo
This has been a thorn in our sides for a long time. Basically, the game object has become detached from the original prefab. I wish Unity would provide a solution to that (forget Revert and so on).
That said, I wrote a little Editor script to help with this problem: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=ReplaceSelection
Select the pink objects, then choose the original prefab that they were made from. It won't restore all the settings (yet ;( ), but it will at least put them in the hierarchy and pos/rot/scale, which takes care of a lot of most problems.
There may be some utilities in the Asset Store that does a better job of this.
This “pink” item seems inconsistent, but probably has a fixed reason for being there.
I am posting because I’m using a “flying insects” particle system. If I remove this and put it back, ALL the pink goes away.
SO the sad news is that (perhaps) ONE bad game object “pinks” the entire parent and child hierarchy it is in…
By the way, if I drag a pink item (for example a complex house) down to a folder in my assets to make a prefab, it LOOKS like it went there, but in fact the .prefab file is 307 bytes long! NO ERROR INDICATION other than having to remember NOT to prefab if it is pink.
__ Follow-up __
I can drag the prefab from my assets on one machine, but not copy it to another machine and load it there. I guess the serialization on the 2 machines is not identical, so it breaks in the copy. I guess I have to “export package”. I hope it doesn’t use duplicate copies of the materials that make up the house!
Any suggestions much appreciated!