Text Mesh Pro displaying wrong in VR

I’m trying to create some text for a VR project using text mesh pro. The issue I’m having is that the position of the text seems to be in a different world position for each eye. If I look at it with both eyes I see two sets of the text offset from each other, and if I look with only one eye I see it one instance of the text. I haven’t done anything special in the scene, in fact I tested this with an empty scene that only had a default text mesh pro object in it using all the default settings and still had the problem. Does anyone know what’s going on here?

What settings are you using on the Camera “Target Eye”?

Target Eye is set to both

No issue has been reported related to VR where TMP is heavily used.

What version of TMP and Unity are you using?

Which TMP component are you using?

What font and shader?

AFAIK TextMeshPro is what Oculus uses internally for all of their stuff, so it should work. However I know from experience using a different font rendering asset that if the shader being used isn’t setup properly for VR it’ll render the text in the same per eye screen position which will make it appear to not be in the correct place in 3D. Make sure the text is rendering with the TMP shader and not a default Unity font shader.

I’ve tried both the 3D object and the UI versions of the components and both gave the same result. Using the latest version of TMP and Unity 2017.1.

I’ll look at this tomorrow since I am away from the project now. This sounds like a good matching description of what I am seeing, but I am fairly confident that I’m using the TMP shader and not something else.