Hi, I am making a dialogue system for a game and have run into a weird performance/rendering issue. Basically, I am trying to print a sentence to the screen letter by letter to get the “typing” effect. I made a script that did that and it worked perfectly as intended.
Now, when I started up Unity again without doing any changes what so ever, it stopped working. I checked that the code was fine and it totally is. I also noticed that the text window on the TextMeshPro component in the inspector was updating like it should, letter by letter.
That’s when I thought it might be some performance issue when updating text rapidly, but to my surprise, when I turned the typing speed way down, it was still not updating before the entire sentence was typed out. (see video)
Here is the coroutine that updates the text:
IEnumerator TypeSentence(string sentence)
string currentTypedSentence = "";
foreach (char letter in sentence)
currentTypedSentence = currentTypedSentence + letter;
if (currentTypedSentence == sentence)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(typingSpeed);
Here is a video that shows the problem in action:
Notice that the inspector is updating as it should.
Does anyone know what is causing this behavior? Thanks in advance!
It just started to work again out of the blue for a minute, and then back to not working…