Text Mesh pro won't show certain characters

Hello, I am trying to type using Arabic in Text Mesh Pro and some characters are not showing up. I put the same characters in a normal text component (in the left side of the picture) and it worked. (ﻎﺾﺶﻒﻖﻞﻞ) There are other Arabic characters that work, the ones in the picture are the ones that didn’t work

I am using the same font, I didn’t do anything weird with the TMP font all I did was right click on the normal one and go to create then text mesh pro then font asset


I can see that the characters that arn’t working are skipped over in the glyph table section of the TMP font asset. I tried using a different font (Mirza font in google fonts) and the characters that don’t work in the first font work in this one, but there are other characters that don’t work that I need.

Hopefully someone can help me out I’ve been stuck on this for a while.

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I figured it out, I went to Window > TextMeshPro > Font Asset Creator then I dragged in the .ttf file into the Source Font File place, then made [180654-new-folder.zip|180654] and dragged it into the Character File place then pressed Generate Font Atlas and it worked :slight_smile:

What worked for me is Window → Text Mesh Pro → Font Asset Creation then click on character set and went with Extended ASCII. That included cyclic characters as well as some others I needed. Hope this helps