Text on pillar with Canvas?

I need to place a large amount of text on all sides of several pillars, this I think would be better done in the UI or alternative rather than create multiple textures.
Is it efficient to have many canvas’s in world space or would this be detrimental to performance?

Unless you need to update the text at run time, 4 static textures (made up of 2 triangles each) will offer better performance than 4 Canvas which include sub objects (geometry) made up of lots of triangles (2 per character).

If the text needs to change at run time, For world space, I would favor something using the Mesh Renderer over multiple Canvas.

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Thanks for the quick reply, realistically I need to change the font at runtime, occasionally.

Do you have an example / mock up of this?

At the moment, the pillar is just a primative cube of a 1x10x1 scale, with a high reflection gold-like texture on, my hope was to add hieroglyphs to it without using textures, as I want them to say specific things that I may want to translate into English on the fly (change the font).

Do you have an example of the text that would go on each side? When I have a few moments, I can create a quick mock up (for testing).

Give me some text and I can copy / paste that would be representative of what you need.