.text problem I can't solve. Help!

I keep on getting this problem even though it still lets me test it. I filled out everything in the inspector and ended with this every time. I know this is probably a simple fix but i’m new to Unity. Please help! Thanks in advanced.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

public Text someText;
public string gameOver = “GAME OVER”;

void Start()
someText = GetComponent();

void Update()
someText.text = gameOver

Does the game object that this script is on also have a Text component on it ?

The component must be on the same object, and not on another object (e.g: child object)

TrysomeText = GameObject.Find("ObjectThatHasTextComponent").GetComponent<Text>();

Thanks for replying
For some reason the message just went away when I deleted and rewrote