Text size in almost every unity game

hi guys, im not a dev but a gamer, im having the same problem with every unity game that has no ui scale options, the text is unreadable because its always small, i change the resolutions, i make changes in windows setting (make text bigger), no success, can someone of the devs please, make us a small hack/mod to add to games made with unity to increase the game texts ? for example i use this line in unreal engine games to make changes to ui and text and it help alltime : [/Script/Engine.UserInterfaceSettings]
do unity has something like that ?
thanks in advance

There are scale options though… They work fine for me. I assume you’ve seen a lot of Unity games on Itch.io, with new devs making simple games?

Go to the canvas component at the top of your UI element hierarchy. Make sure to add a Canvas Scaler component. Now, choose the resolution you use in game mode, where your UI elements and text look good to you. Set that as the reference scale (width x height) that the scaler uses to rescale everything based on the user’s chosen resolution on their monitors.

Also, always use TextMeshProUGUI elements, and use a TextMeshProUGUI text component. Then, select the Auto Size checkbox, and set a minimum font size and maximum font size for components. The combination of these two things will make sure that your UI almost always resizes properly based on resolutions chosen by the end user. And dynamic text content will always resize to fit the containing element, when doing auto size.

Now, this won’t guarantee perfect rescaling if a non-typical aspect ratio is used. So if your reference resolution is a ratio of say, 1.77 when it comes to width x height, then any resolution with a similar ratio will likely look perfect. But I have a laptop with a ratio of 1.5, and my game’s reference ratio was 1.77, so the UI elements, while scaled to the right size, were not positioned perfectly. I had to do extra work to make sure that everything position correctly.

But what you are mentioning is very easy to fix in Unity.

Edit: Oh I somehow didn’t register that you were a gamer and not a dev. Can you give an example game? The issue is that the devs making these games did not properly setup their UI to scale. You could try a lower resolution if they offer that in their settings. That should make things bigger, though possibly slightly lower quality looking. Otherwise, tell the devs to fix their UI canvas elements to scale properly.

thanks for the reply, as i said im not a developer, im a gamer, im not developing a game with unity, im seeking solution for text size in games made with unity

i tried changing resolutions, it didnt help, what needed is a hack/mod to alter the already present code to make font size bigger

Yeah I updated my post with an “EDIT” at the bottom right after I replied.

These forums aren’t for how to modify existing games and it’s also explicitly against the forum rules. You’d either have to look at specific modding communities, or contact the devs directly and ask them to address these accessibility issues.

you know, the devs never answer, they dont know themselves how to resolve those problems, if in the engine forums itself no one can help, the devs themselves cant help
cheers !!!

Scaling the font size normally depends on the UI system used. If it has a dynamic layout system like a HTML page then its not much work to add. Unreal and UI Toolkit have dynamic layouts. However, most Unity devs use uGUI which doesn’t really have good layout support. As an example, below I increase the font size of a uGUI button. The button and page layout doesn’t update. Adding accessibility support is normally a lot of work that must be done while designing the UI. It isn’t something that can be updated with a generic mod unless the UI system supports it.

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