
.textCtrl:focus,.textCtrl.Focus {

did this just change recently? Its like some sort of watered down yellow piss colored active input text box background area now… :confused: its just a bit off putting imo.

My changes if anyone else wants to restyle it…

@namespace url(XHTML namespace);
@-moz-document domain(“forum.unity3d.com”) {
.textCtrl {
background-color:rgb(230,232,236) !important;
.textCtrl:focus,.textCtrl.Focus {
background-color:rgb(255,255,255) !important;

forcus, Focus?

Are we gonna gonna have forum change soon ? :smile:

Hmm just noticed toggle JS got hit by accident seems Unity forum holds up fairly decent without JS enabled, amazing… anyway that’s how I ended up noticing this different textbox css. …do kinda like the minimalist textbox though.