Textfield Not Working - Cannot Select


I have a OnGUI function with a text field in it. But I can't seem to select the textfield. Have I hover my mouse over it - the textfield it highlighted, but when I go to press on it, nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong? Here is my script:


static var currentObjectOver : GameObject;
private var objectSelected : GameObject;
static var cursorFound : boolean = false;

private var search : boolean = true;

static var toggleClick : boolean = false;
private var mouseOnX = 0;
private var mouseOnY = 0;

var cursor : Texture2D;
var cursorOn : Texture2D;
var cursorMouse : Texture2D;
var currentCursor : Texture2D;
private var cursorSize: int = 16;  // set to width of your cursor texture
static var itemName : String;

function Start(){
    //Screen.showCursor = false;
    Screen.showCursor = true;
    currentCursor = cursor;

function Update () {
    Screen.showCursor = true;


// ----------- GUI Controller - Function of Objects -------------- \\
var username : String = "Adam Smith";
var password : String = "My Password";
static var stringCode : String = "";

function OnGUI(){

    // -- Password Control -- \\ -- HERE IS THE PROBLEM >>
    if(ComputerControl.computerPass == true){
        stringCode = GUI.TextField (Rect (30, 70, 200, 20), stringCode, 4);

        GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - 150, Screen.height / 2 - 100, 300, 200));
        GUI.Box (new Rect (0,0,300,200),"Password Box");
        //GUI.TextField (Rect (30, 70, 200, 20), username, 25);
        GUI.PasswordField (Rect (30, 100, 200, 20), password, "*"[0], 25);
            ComputerControl.powerOff = true;


    // -- Computer Screen -- \\
    if(objectSelected.gameObject.name == "Logout" && StoryControl.Computer == true){
        ComputerControl.powerOff = true;

    if(objectSelected.gameObject.name == "Email" && StoryControl.Computer == true){
        //ComputerControl.powerOff = true;

    if(objectSelected.gameObject.name == "Documents" && StoryControl.Computer == true){
        //ComputerControl.powerOff = true;

    // -- enable camera freeze up -- \\
    if(toggleClick == true){
        MouseLook.headLock = true;
        MouseLook.lockGUI = true;

function startGameCache(){
    toggleClick = true;
    objectSelected = currentObjectOver;
    mouseOnX = Input.mousePosition.x;
    mouseOnY = Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y;
    search = false;

function clearGameCache(){
    toggleClick = false;
    objectSelected = null;
    search = true;
    //MouseLook.lockGUI = false;
    //MouseLook.headLock = false;   

Hey Oliver did you ever resolve this problem?
And are you shutting down a computer with this program? Because I’m looking into that if that’s possible with Unity, but I can’t find out how.