Textinputs not working when I implemented "Unity webGL" in VueJS Project

I’m doing in my work educational curses with VueJS, when I export Unity resources, the text inputs and text area, are not working.
alt text

The call:

 <unity src="UnityResources/Build/cubito.json" width="600" height="400" unityLoader="UnityResources/Build/UnityLoader.js" ref="myInstance"></unity>

The component:

	Vue.component('unity', {
			  <div class="webgl-content">
			    <div id="unity-container" v-bind:style="{ width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }"></div>
			    <div v-if="loaded == false">
			      <div class="unity-loader">
			        <div class="bar">
			          <div class="fill" v-bind:style="{ width: progress * 100 + '%'}"></div>
			    <div class="footer" v-if="hideFooter !== true">
			      <a class="fullscreen" @click.prevent="fullscreen">Fullscreen</a>
	    props: {
				src: String,
				module : String,
				width: String,
				height: String,
				externalProgress: String,
				unity_loader: String,
				hideFooter: Boolean,
	    data () {
	      return {
	        gameInstance: null,
	        loaded: false,
	        progress: 0,
	        error: null
	    methods: {
				onClick () {
					this.$refs.myInstance.message("object", "method", "param")
		   	fullscreen () {
	      message(gameObject, method, param) {
	        if (param === null) {
	          param = ''
	        if (this.gameInstance !== null){
	          this.gameInstance.SendMessage(gameObject, method, param)
	        } else {
	          console.warn('vue-unity-webgl: you\'ve sent a message to the Unity content, but it wasn	 instantiated yet.')
	    beforeMount() {


	      if (!this.eventBus) {
	        this.eventBus = new Vue({
	          data: {
	            ready: false,
	            load: false

	      if (typeof UnityLoader === 'undefined' && this.unity_loader && !this.eventBus.load) {
	        const script = document.createElement('SCRIPT')
	        script.setAttribute('src', this.unity_loader)
	        script.setAttribute('async', '')
	        script.setAttribute('defer', '')
	        this.eventBus.load = true
	        script.onload = () => {
	          this.eventBus.ready = true
	      } else {
	        this.eventBus.ready = true
	        this.eventBus.load = true
	    mounted () {
	      const instantiate = () => {
	        if (typeof UnityLoader === 'undefined') {
	          let error = 'The UnityLoader was not defined, please add the script tag ' +
	            'to the base html and embed the UnityLoader.js file Unity exported or use "unityLoader" attribute for path to UnityLoader.js.'
	          this.error = error
	        if (this.src === null) {
	          let error = 'Please provice a path to a valid JSON in the "src" attribute.'
	          this.error = error
	        let params = {}
	        if (this.externalProgress) {
	          params.onProgress = UnityProgress
	        } else {
	          params.onProgress = ((gameInstance, progress) => {
	            this.loaded = (progress === 1)
	            this.progress = progress
	        if (this.module) {
	          params.Module = this.module
	        this.gameInstance = UnityLoader.instantiate('unity-container', this.src, params)

	      if (this.eventBus.ready) {
	      } else {
	        this.eventBus.$on('onload', () => {

@Lozamded did you find any solution because i have the same kind of project and facing the same issue i can’t figure out the solution my project is stuck :frowning: