TextMesh appears before imaga

In my scene I changed the render mode in Canvus from “screen space over ray” to “screen space camera”.
When I do this, the textmesh behind the image appears in front of the image.

In this image, text is placed between the two images.
The over ray shows the game objects in order, so the text is partially hidden by the greenImage.
However, in Camera, the order of the game objects is ignored and the text is displayed on top of the greenImage.
Why is this?

The zpos of these three game objects are all 0 and there is only one canvus and one camera in the scene

Did you already looked at the layers and the order of the layers? The objects needs to be on the same layer, else the layer ordering rules

Thank you very much.
I checked and all these objects were on the same “UI” layer.