So I’m working on something where I want to have text bubbles that dynamically resize to their content, to an extent, shrinking vertically for smaller strings and scaling up to a maximum size for longer strings, with any overflow cut into pages. I have pretty much all of this implemented in a way that I’m satisfied with, based on these two tutorials using the Vertical Layout Component, but I’m running into one small problem that’s bothering me slightly, and that’s that the final page of a long block of text does not dynamically size down to its content even if it’s fewer lines of text than on previous pages.
(There is also a strange effect on any text that uses the <page>
break, which seems to result in it only scaling up to encompass the final page’s content, with other pages of content being overflowed as needed if they’re too sized-down.)
Is there some part of this hierarchy structure that I’m missing that would allow it to scale the bubble down to fit the overflow text on a per-page basis, rather than remaining at the same size?
(Attached are a couple of screenshots of my test case, with the string just being a repeating sequence of “No!” with line breaks between. Once overflowed to the second page it does not resize down to the “shorter” height, staying at the maximum.)